Hello again.
As We have promised, We shall start to look into the mythical Slenderman’s origins.
It was first created for a contest on The Something Awful Forums. I have included the link also for the site in case you wish to look yourself. [http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3150591&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=3]
The entry also included two pictures and the accounts of two photographers. In the photographs, a tall blurred figure stands with multiple children, its arms outstretched. The story goes that after these pictures were taken, fourteen children disappeared and were never found. After this posting, the internet was flooded with others, claiming to have encounters with the tall creature. Officials have waved these off, counting them nothing, but a part of a popular trend. More people refused to stop believing in this story and searched deeper…They found their answers.
In Germany, there is a certain bedtime story that you and I have heard from time to time. This story was to help bad children to behave themselves…If not, Der Grosse man would take them away. Der Grosse man, or The Tall Man, would stalk them until they were his. There are also other reports of children (or more recently young adults) that they would dream of being chased by an unknown monster….
Even further back, in the sixteenth century to be exact, a woodcutter by the name of Hans Freckenburg created a scene called ‘Der Ritter’, or ‘The Knight’. In this picture there is a skeletal-like creature stabbing a knight with a lengthy appendage. Many believers have made this to be their core argument, claiming that the Slenderman was around for centuries. In reality, this picture was photo shopped. Yes, you heard me. If you look on this lovely chap’s site, you will find more a detailed explanation on the matter.
Still, this cannot trump the fact that even though that is disproved, many people have not yet solved that fact that the Slenderman has slipped into the Egyptian legends as well. It was most used at the age of 3100 BC in Lower Egypt, with being used in the phrase, The Thief of the Gods.
Now that you have a faint idea of how long the Slenderman has been around, We shall explain WHAT it is in the post to follow.
Good Luck.